Teach skills and foster the dispositions of social and emotional learning in yourself, your students, and your school.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is like any academic subject students learn in school—their learning expands and deepens, year after year. As an educator, what can you do to support not only your students' well-being and SEL development, but your own?
The Social-Emotional Learning Playbook: A Guide to Student and Teacher Well-Being provides the language, moves, and evidence-based advice you need to identify and nurture social and emotional learning in yourself, your students, and your school. Sparking deep reflection and transformative growth, this highly interactive playbook profiles six tenets of social and emotional learning—building resilience, belonging and prosocial skills, emotional regulation, relational trust and communication, individual and collective efficacy, and community of care. Each module features
With this actionable playbook in hand, jumpstart your social and emotional development journey, reduce compassion fatigue, and create alliances and opportunities for the children and adults in your school community to thrive.