Best-selling author Leland Gregory—who has so entertainingly highlighted humanity's stupidity in the areas of crime, business, love, politics, cruelty, and history—is back with Stupid California.
This time, Gregory builds a case for the common suspicion that Californians, from movie moguls to beach bums, have a special affinity for idiocy. Culled from print, online, and broadcast sources, Stupid California is a hilarious collection of true stories, trivia, and factoids about the Golden State, such as:
* "California's state animal is the California grizzly bear, which is also on the state flag. The bear was honored in 1953, a full 31 years after the last known bear in the state was killed."
* "During the 1980s, in a bold stroke against terrorism, the Chico City Council banned nuclear weapons, enacting a mandatory $500 fine for anyone detonating a nuclear weapon within city limits."
Silly, shocking, weird, and amusing, Stupid California is ideal for both kinds of people—those who love California and those who hate it.