诸葛亮,三国时期蜀汉丞相、杰出的政治家、军事家、散文家、发明家。诸葛亮为匡扶蜀汉政权,呕心沥血,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。其散文代表作有《出师表》、《诫子书》等。曾发明木牛流马、孔明灯等,并改造连弩,可一弩十矢俱发。于234年在五丈原逝世。诸葛亮在后世受到极大尊崇,成为后世忠臣的楷模,智慧的化身。(Zhuge Liang is the prime minister of Shu-Han in the Three Kingdoms Period, outstanding statesman, militarist, essayist and inventor. To help the regime of Shu Han, Zhuge Liang exerted his utmost effort, spared no effort in the performance of his duty and did his best till his heart ceases to beat. His prose masterpieces include Memorial before a Battle, The Admonishment for One's Young and so on. He once invented wooden ox, Kongming Lantern and modified repeating crossbow to make the crossbow launch ten arrows at the same time. Zhuge Liang died in 24 at Wuzhang Plains. Zhuge Liang was greatly respected in the later ages and became a model for future generations of loyalists and incarnation of wisdom.)
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