什么是智慧呢?神机妙算是智慧,能言善辩是智慧,明察秋毫是智慧,急中生智是智慧,大智若愚也是智慧。大到政治、外交、战争,小到日常生活琐事,智慧的运用无处不在。哥伦布轻轻一敲,光滑的鸡蛋就立在了桌子上;孙膑调整了几匹马的出场顺序,帮助田忌轻松地赢得赛马;司马光沉着冷静地砸破大水缸,救出了掉进缸里的小伙伴;阿基米得洗澡时受到启发,轻松地破解了金冠之谜;爱迪生用镜子汇聚蜡烛光,让妈妈的手术能顺利完成......面对形形色色的难题和困境,开动脑筋,运用智慧,往往就能找出答案,想出对策。榜样的力量是无穷的,我们精选了著名文学家、军事家、思想家、艺术家、谋略家、外交家、发明家、科学家等重要人物的成长故事,这些故事纵横古今,包罗中外,蕴含着文化的力量,闪烁着智慧的光芒。愿孩子们在轻松的阅读旅程中,收获快乐,接受启迪,让健康的心智得到充分的滋养。(What is wisdom? Wonderful foresight is wisdom, quick-tongued in argument is wisdom, being perceptive of the slightest is wisdom, showing resourcefulness in an emergency is wisdom and a man of great wisdom appearing slow-witted is wisdom. From the major aspects of politics, diplomacy and war to the small aspects of daily trivial matters, the wisdom is applied everywhere. Columbus gently knocked and the smooth egg stood on the table; Sun Bin adjusted the competition order of several horses to help Tianji win the horse racing easily; Sima Guang calmly smashed the big water tank to rescue the small partner falling into the tank; Archimedes was inspired when he had a shower and then easily solved the mystery of Golden Crown; Edison used a mirror to gather candle light so that his mother's surgery can be successfully completed......Faced with all kinds of problems and difficulties, using your brains and wisdom often help you find the answer and come up with countermeasures. The power of a model is infinite. We select the growth stories of famous litterateurs, militarists, ideologists, artists, strategists, diplomatists, investors, scientists and other important figures. These stories cross the past and the present, include Chinese and foreign matters, contains the power of culture and shines with the light of wisdom. Wish the children have fun and accept the enlightenment in the relaxed reading journey so that the healthy mind can be fully nourished.)
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