《每天读点中华圣贤经》是一部汇集庄子、孔子、孟子、墨子、鬼谷子等古代先贤沉浮一生的人生启示录;一部集结《诗经》《道德经》《论语》《鬼谷子》《素书》《忍经》《菜根谭》《小窗幽记》《增广贤文》等数百部经世奇书的睿智之作;一部凝集中庸原则、兵家思考、老子智慧、魏晋风度、禅宗境界的智慧全书。它既是中华五千年世世代代流传下来的文化精髓,又是每一个中国人识人交友、为人处世、言谈举止、居官从政、读书治学、齐家教子、立业管理、修身养性的枕边经典。(All Albums of Reading Chinese Bible Everyday is a life revelation collecting the lives of Zhuangzi, Confucius, Mencius, Mozi, Guiguzi and other people with ups and downs; a work o wisdom collecting more than 100 ancient master pieces, including The Book of Songs, Tao Te Ching, The Analects of Confucius, Guiguzi, Sushu, Renjing, Caigentan, Speculations in Solitude at Tiny Window, Popular Collection of Traditional Chinese Wise Sayings; a book of wisdom combining the principle of moderation, thought of the military strategists, wisdom of Laozi, Wei-Jin demeanor and Buddhism realm. It is not only the cultural essence of five thousand years passed down generation by generation, but also the bedside classic for identifying people and making friends, interaction with others, speech and deportment, entering politics, study and scholarly research, regulating family and educating children, starting business and management, self cultivation of each Chinese.)
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