曹操,字孟德,公元155年生,沛国谯县(安徽亳县)人。父亲曹嵩本姓夏侯,因为成为曹腾养子而改姓并继承侯爵。曹操一生从陈留起兵到洛阳逝世,奋战30余年,参加大小战役近50余次,消灭了袁绍、袁术、刘表、张绣、吕布等割据势力。曹操是我国历史上杰出的政治家、军事家、文学家,他与两个儿子曹丕、曹植代表了东汉末年的文风,是历史上有名的"文学家庭"。曹操一生有诸多作品,为众人称道的有《观沧海》《龟虽寿》《短歌行》等。很多诗文表现了他指点江山、壮怀:激烈的高远志向和忧国忧民的情怀。(Cao Cao, known as Mengde, was born in AD 155 and from Qiao County of Pei Country (Bo County in Anhui Province). The last name of his father (Cao Song) was Xiahou and later changed his name and inherited marquess because he became the adopted son of Cao Teng. For the whole life of Cao Cao, from the sendanarmy in Chenliu to the death in Luoyang, he had bravely fought for over 30 years and participated in more than 50 different wars, and once wiped out separatist forces including Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Liu Biao, Zhang Xiu and Lu Bu, etc. Cao Cao is an outstanding politician, militarist and litterateur in our history, and he with his two sons, Cao Bei and Cao Zhi, represented the style of writing of late Eastern Han Dynasty, which was the famous "literature family" in history. During the life of Cao Cao, there were many works, and View of Tablet Stone, Longevity of Turtles and Short Song Style etc are praised by many people. Many poems and essays show his pointing to the country and great aspiration: including drastic lofty ambition and feelings on concern for the fate.)
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