本书依据常见史料,选取不同角度,简述了历史巨人毛泽东的雄才伟略。介绍了毛泽东从一个旧式知识分子到马克思主义者的转变,通过农民问题、建立农村革命根据地、创建新民主主义理论以及有关中国工业化与现代化问题、抗日战争中阶级矛盾和民族矛盾的转换、指挥三大战役、创建中华人民共和国的历史伟业、决策抗美援朝、探索中国社会主义道路、海峡两岸关系中的独特思考与运作等方面,论述了毛泽东从革命实践中总结经验教训,得出中国革命的规律性认识的基本过程。读者从毛泽东一生革命实践的成功与失误,可以领略一个雄才伟略者的伟大人生。( Based on common historical data, and from various perspectives, this book describes the great ambition of the historical giant Mao Zedong. It tells Mao Zedong's transformation from an old intellectual to a Marxist and his summery of experience and lesson from the revolutionary practice and understanding of laws of Chinese revolution from aspects such as problems of farmers, establishment of rural revolutionary bases, creation of new democratic theory, Chinese industrialization and modernization, switch of class and national conflicts in the counter-Japan wars, command of three major campaigns, great historical cause of founding People's Republic of China, decision of joining the Korean War, exploration of Chinese socialist road and unique thinking and operation of the cross-strait relations. The readers can learn this great man's great life from the success and failure of this revolutionary practice.)
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