中国悠久灿烂的历史文化是一座智慧的宝藏,是我们祖先用智慧的双手和头脑历经数千年的风雨创造和积累而成的,它如同河蚌中的沙粒经受了痛苦的磨炼和时间的考验,最终升华为闪闪发光的珍珠。作为华夏儿女我们没有理由不去阅读这些历史,没有理由不继承这些智慧精华并把它运用于实际。而今天我们所呈现给广大读者的是这其中忠臣良将的谏议谋略与锐利檄文。(China's long and splendid history and culture are a treasure of wisdom. They have been created and accumulated by our forefathers' hands and brain after difficulty of thousands of years. Like sand in the river clam, they have undergone painful experience and time test, and have finally been sublimated into shining pearls. As sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, we have no reason not to read the history, and should inherit the wisdom essence and put it into practice. Today, what we offer to readers are the proposed strategies and sharp war proclamations by loyal officials and excellent military officers in the history.)
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