无论是对话还是谈判,无论是发言还是会谈,所有的机遇都是通过雄辩的口才创造出来的。如何使演讲的开头振奋人心?演讲的结尾如何给人印象深刻?应该避免哪些讲话中的坏习惯?怎样恰当地运用语音语调?卡壳儿时如何应对?怎样与观众交流?如何处理数字?怎样克服怯场? (It is by eloquence that all opportunities are created, no matter inconversation, negotiation, presentation or talk. How can we make the start of a speech encouraging and the end part impressive? What bad habits shall we change in speaking? How can we have good pronunciation and intonation? What shall we dowhen stuck in talk?How to communicate withaudiences?How to saynumbers?How to get over stage fright?)
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