Building a fully engaged, energized workforce is the key to business success. The Power of Thanks reveals how leading companies like Intuit, JetBlue Airways, IHG, Symantec, ConAgra Foods, and The Hershey Company empower employees through social recognition, in which the practice of mutual appreciation and trust directs and rewards higher performance.
Eric Mosley and Derek Irvine, executives at the world-renowned employee recognition firm Globoforce, explain why social recognition is so powerful and how you can apply it in your company. Case by case, they show how a carefullyplanned and consistently executed Culture of Recognition business strategy inspires:
Mosley and Irvine provide practical advice and proven examples for devising a powerful, growth-generating strategy that modernizes employee recognition for today's social, global, multi-generational and 24x7 wired workforce.
When employees participate in a culture that makes everyone a stakeholder in the organization's success, positive energy spreads like wildfire, and business results follow. Something so simple and powerful might work like magic, but it's really just common sense. It's smart management. It's long-term thinking.
It's The Power of Thanks.