环境时时在变,倘若固执己见墨守成规,迟早会被生活的洪流所吞没:唯有改变,才能紧跟时代,获得发展的良机可以说,生活最大的成就,就是不断地改变自己,从而悟出生活之道只有拥有一种变化的理念,一种全新的形象,一种开放的眼光;不沉湎于过去,不拘泥于现状,不执著于未来,才能登上人生的巅峰,一切在变化中消亡,一切又在变化中产生。从现在开始改变自己,从而改变人生。As the environment is constantly changing, the one who is opinionated and hidebound will be swallowed by the flood current of life sooner or later. Only change can help you keep up with the pace of the times and grasp the good opportunities of development. The greatest achievement of life, so to speak, is to change yourself constantly so as to understand the art of living. To live the best of life, you need to have an idea of change, a brand new image and an open mind as well as not to wallow in the past, stick to the status quo and cling to the future. All die out but come into being in the process of change. From now on, change yourself and change your life.
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