《赢在责任心,胜在执行力》讲的是打赢这场战争的"秘诀":赢在责任心,胜在执行力。现代社会,与传统经济模式已经有了很大不同,各种变化日新月异,我们每一天醒来,面对的都是一个新世界,都要解决新问题,研究新情况。很多人对现代社会的变化之快还没有清醒的认识,后知后觉。如今的职场已经不是传统的大锅饭模式,不出色只能被淘汰。那么我们如何在这种环境下从千军万马中突围而出,成为职场上的领跑者、胜利者呢?有两件绝不会过时的"神器":责任心和执行力。Secrets to Winning in the Workplace: Responsibility and Execution tells two secrets to winning in the workplace: responsibility and execution. Modern economic model is way different from the traditional one. Due to rapid changes, we wake up every morning, only to find ourselves in a new world crowded with new problems to be fixed and researched. Many people still lack a clear understanding of these fast changes happening in the modern world and cannot keep up with the rapid pace of development. The "egalitarian practice of everyone taking food from the same pot" has long been canceled. Now, we are in a survival-of-the-fittest working environment. How to stand out from the furious competition and become a winner in the workplace? The book will teach you two secrets: responsibility and execution.
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