有的人锦衣玉食却满面愁苦,经常担心拥有的一切会消失;有的人身处困境却自信淡定,相信成功仍会再次眷顾。这就是展现每个人不同内在的精神名片。我们看一个人的眼睛就能知道这张"名片"上写的到底是什么。与其送出一张印制精美、堆砌着众多华丽头衔的物质名片,不如使自己的气场强大起来,打造一张属于自己的精神名片。Some people are in gloomy mood although live an extravagant life and are often worried that all that they possess will disappear one day; while some other people show confidence and calmness although they are in trouble and believe that success will come again. This is the spiritual card that shows different inner minds of people. We can know what's written on this "card" only by looking at one's eyes. One needs to strengthen his/her aura and write a spiritual card belonging to himself/herself, rather than delivering an exquisitely printed physical card with plenty of magnificent titles on it.
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