三千年来,帝王后宫红颜不绝,佳丽荟萃,但在那光鲜的身份下,生活的本质又是怎样的呢?在那里,一个人会突然消失,再没有人提起;在那里,没有真正的友情,有的只是一时的合纵连横;在那里,每个人都希望博得帝王的欢心,可是却少有人能真心相对。如果说皇城外是男人的战场,那么后宫就是女人争权夺利的是非之地。《三千年来跌宕人心的后宫红颜史》撷取了自春秋战国三千年以来近四十位有代表性的后宫红颜,客观、集中地反映了后宫女性的特点和命运,展示出那壮丽而凄凉的历史画卷!Over the past 3,000 years, the emperors had a large number of concubines. However, under the glamorous status, what is the essence of the life of those concubines? A person among them might disappear suddenly one day and wouldn't be mentioned any more; there was no true friendship among them, but temporary collaboration; every one of them hoped to win the heart of the emperor, but a few were sincere. If it is the battlefield for men outside the imperial city, the concubine backyard is a place where women fight for power and profit. Fascinating History of Concubines Over the Past 3,000 Years chooses nearly 40 representative concubines over the past 3,000 years since the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods to objectively and intensively reflect the characteristics and fates of those concubines, showing the magnificent but miserable picture of history!
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