Discover some of the world’s most iconic animals and the unique habitats that they’ve evolved to thrive in, find out where and how you can see them, and learn about how you can help to conserve these magnificent creatures.
Welcome to World of Animals Annual
World of Animals Annual
2023 in the world of animals • From unusual underwater discoveries to the war on poachers, it’s been another eventful year in the world of wildlife
25 MOST ENDANGERED • Discover the threats faced by just some of the many thousands of vulnerable species across the world
SURVIVORS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM • Discover how lifeforms big and small have adapted to thrive in some of the most intense and extreme environments on the planet
THE WORLD’S DEADLIEST ANIMALS • From razor-sharp teeth to crushing talons and heart-stopping venom, this arsenal of terrifying yet fascinating adaptations has given these creatures the edge in the evolutionary arms race
ANIMAL CLOCKS • Living things interpret the world around them by tuning in to the planet’s natural rhythms, from a honeybee seeking pollen to a killer whale below the waves
Claws out • Claws are usually associated with hunting and fighting, but some animals use theirs for tasks as simple as scratching
Nature’s ultimate fighting champions • Meet the scrappiest soldiers in the animal kingdom
SHARKS • Sea monsters really do exist and they are lurking in an ocean near you…
SAVED BY THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT • Meet seven endangered animals that owe their continued existence to a piece of United States legislation enacted in the 1970s
ALLIGATORS & CROCODILES • These toothy-smiled predators are both famed for their ferocity, but which is truly king in the water?
REMARKABLE RAPTORS • Soaring above other birds at the top of the food chain, raptors like falcons and eagles perform some of nature’s most extreme aerial manoeuvres. But these animals are more than mere stunt pilots – their secretive lives have enraptured humans for centuries
Peculiar pets • From foxes to cockroaches, here are some of the world’s most bizarre animal companions
EIGHT-LEGGED ASSASSINS • Humans are not the only animals that live in fear of spiders
SEEING IN THE DARK • Whether you’re a carnivore skulking through the undergrowth in the dead of night or a prey animal trying to survive until sunrise, in the unforgiving wild, night vision is a matter of life or death
Winter wonderlands • Crisp air, soft light and glittering snowflakes – escape the winter blues and travel to an ice-covered paradise to see some of nature’s toughest animals battling the chill
Animal kindness • Animals often make selfish decisions to survive, but there are good deeds throughout the animal kingdom
THE BEAR NECESSITIES • Discover how these brilliant bears make for deadly predators
UNUSUAL DIETS • Dinner for the animal kingdom is often pretty gross for our human tastes, but this is critter cuisine on a whole new level
SUBSCRIBE & SAVE UP TO 61% • Delivered direct to your door or straight to your device