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You want to make a difference in the world, but don't know where to begin. Now you can. 365 Ways to Change the World is a comprehensive guide full of exciting ways that are more personal and fun than merely writing a check. Packed with information, ideas, and tips for every day of the year, 365 Ways to Change the World is an approachable way to ultimately achieve something positive, without the need for special skills.
Some daily examples include:
-Observe a "Buy Nothing Day"
-Plant a "peace pole"
-Sew a panel for an AIDS memorial quilt
-Collect rainwater to water your plants
The suggestions cover twelve important areas in which you can influence change, including in your local community, as a consumer, making a cultural contribution, and addressing problems such as the environment, health, and human rights. You can go through the book day by day or use the index to flip to the issues that concern you most. Great to give as well as to keep, this is an inspiring, practical resource for making the world a better place—one day at a time.