林文庆是近代历史上的传奇人物,作为新加坡土生华人,他在英国取得医学硕士学位,却非常推崇中国传统文化。林文庆担任厦门大学校长达16年时间,是一位在中国和新加坡都具有重要影响的教育家,也是一位具有西学背景却倾心儒学的思想家,他用中文和英文留下了大量关于儒学的文章。本书对林文庆用中文写的文章进行了校注,对林文庆用英文写的文章进行了编译,以便读者了解这位学贯中西的思想家的儒学思想,进而管窥近代知识分子在中西文化交融背景下的精神生活。(Lim Boon Keng is legend in the modern history. As a Singapore born Chinese, he obtained the Master Degree of Medicine in the UK, and was a great advocate of Chinese traditional culture. With as long as 16 years working at Xiamen University as president, Lim Boon Keng was not only an influential educator in China and Singapore, but also a thinker who was into Confucianism even with a background of western learning. He has composed plenty of articles on Confucianism in Chinese and English. This book adds annotation to his Chinese articles, translates and edits the English articles so that readers are able to understand the Confucian thoughts of the thinker who combines both Chinese and western learning and thus have a glimpse of the spiritual life of intellectuals in the mixture of cultures.)
- English
- 中文(简体)
- 中文(繁體)
- Bahasa Melayu
- தமிழ்