收录了老子的道德经的各篇字体书法。品读张伟生的书法,或楷、或隶、或行草,洋洋洒洒的笔墨之间时时流露出纯正的传统韵味;或庄重、或洒脱、或从容、或奔放、或劲健、或秀雅,魏晋风度,唐宋法则,明清飘逸;深厚的功力,高雅的气息,展示着他对古典文化精髓的准确把握和深刻领悟,从而幻化出属于自己的艺术语言,其成就有目共睹。(It collects the calligraphy on Lao Tze's Tao-te Ching. Tasting the calligraphy of Zhang Weisheng in regular script, in official script or in cursive script, one can enjoy the pure traditional charm from the copious and fluent lines, which might be grave, or natural and unrestrained, or deliberate, or untrammeled, or magnificent and powerful, or beautiful and refined; in a word, his calligraphy embodies the demeanor of Wei and Jin Dynasties, the rules of Tang and Song Dynasties and the natural grace of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The profound capability and elegant flavor show his accurate grasp and deep comprehension towards the essence of classical culture, upon which he creates his own artistic language and his achievements are obvious to all.)
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