郁达夫散文的思想倾向,确实是表现出了自己的独特的个性,他对于旧中国那种阴暗发霉的生活,充满着一种强烈的愤懑情绪,用一种极端憎恶和彻底决裂的心态,大声疾呼地去痛斥它,揭露它。其散文实在太丰富,有多少佳篇值得反复地去咀嚼。从思想内容方面来说,可以通过这些作品理解郁达夫以及他所处的时代,可以看出他不少畸形和病态的情思,也正是被这社会阴狠和暴虐地迫害所致,至于从艺术技巧方面来说,则可以极大地有益于读者审美情操的陶冶和升华。 The ideological trend of Yu Dafu actually shows his unique character. He had an intense anger towards musty and dark society of the old China and clamored to sharply denounce it and reveal it in hatred and collapsed manner. His prose are really in abundance and there are many good articles worthy of repeated appreciations. In terms of ideological contents, we can understand Yu Dafu and his era through these articles and we can see that a lot of his deformed and morbid thoughts were generated from the cruel and tyrannous persecution of the society; while in the aspect of artistic technique, it will greatly benefit the readers to cultivate and sublimate their esthetic sentiments.
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